where to read about how to cook food?
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where to read about how to cook food?
von crowl am 19.08.2023 00:03Good day everyone, can you please advise how long to boil the shrimp?
Re: where to read about how to cook food?
von keizerg am 19.08.2023 00:18Good day to you too, well could have googled this information yourself, there is quite a lot of it in the search engine, so most likely wouldn't have had to go to the forum for advice either. Of course, if you have already tried to do so, but could not find anything interesting for yourself, then personally I can advise you to read about how long you need to cook shrimp here https://how-long-to-boil.com/shrimp/ . In the article this issue is fully described, so I'm sure that there will certainly be no problems with this after familiarization. I hope that I was able to help in this matter. Good luck with studying the material!