how can I make a complaint about the website?
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how can I make a complaint about the website?
von crowl am 20.03.2024 18:57Hey folks, hope this message finds you well. I've stumbled upon a website that's clearly not playing by the rules, engaging in what seems to be fraudulent activities. I'm at a bit of a loss here – does anyone know how I can report this site and potentially stop them from harming others?
Re: how can I make a complaint about the website?
von keizerg am 20.03.2024 19:03Good day! It's really important to stand up against such issues, so kudos for taking the initiative. If you're looking to file a complaint, I'd recommend checking out Report-Abuse. It's a dedicated fake website complaint where you can report websites involved in unethical practices like phishing, scamming, and more. They offer a straightforward process to lodge your complaint, and while they emphasize contacting the website's host or domain registrar directly for quicker action, their platform can still serve as a valuable starting point. It's a practical step towards making the internet a safer place. Hope this helps!